Diagnostic Tests and Rule Outs for Diabetes Management

Diagnosis of Diabetes

There are several tests that can be administered to help determine whether you have diabetes.  These should be carried out by your doctor.  Please explore the American Diabetes Association Website  for detailed descriptions of all these tests.

Some physicians may also review whether you have inflammation in your system. Ask your doctor whether he or she may want to look at your inflammatory markers.

Feet and Eyes

Diabetes can affect your eyes and may cause problems with circulation.  Your doctor should check your eyes and feet on a regular bases.  Your doctor may also ask you to see an eye and foot doctor yearly.  You should get in the habit of checking your body regularly for any sores that are not healing properly. Keep toenails trimmed to avoid injuries and infections.

Tracking your Blood Glucose Levels

Most people with diabetes will need to track their blood glucose levels one or more times a day.  This is a really important part of good diabetes management and helps your doctor to help you.  Set up a schedule for this.  Test throughout the day and at regular times deepening on your doctor’s instructions.  Ask for help from your pharmacist, doctor or diabetic educator so that you understand how to use your glucometer properly.  It’s OK to have questions.