Lack of good nutrition can lead to sluggishness, irritability and negative mood. There are several nutritional strategies that may help you feel more stable and calm.
Eat Enough Food
If you are not getting enough calories throughout the day, you may feel angry and irritable. Make sure that you eat three nutritious meals a day and a light snack or two in between.
Consider Food Allergies
Some people have unique allergies to certain foods. These allergies can cause angry outbursts that don’t seem to make sense or you can feel tired and overwhelmed. Some common causes are gluten intolerance, eggs and food colorings. Ask your doctor is this might be a factor for you.
Avoid Processed Foods
Processed foods can make you feel good for a brief time but then you feel tired and emotionally drained. These processed foods can also make you feel more impulsive and less patient and the repeated use of processed foods starves the parts of the brain that control the impulses. Try to eat real foods like fruits and vegetables as well as grains and meats.
Avoid Low-Carb Diets
Low carbohydrate diets have been linked with irritability and poor mood over time.
Watch Caffeine
Caffeine remains in the system for many hours. It can interrupt sleep routines which affects mood and it can make you feel more anxious and impatient. If you struggle with stress management, consider reducing your caffeine intake.
For more information on how to eat a healthy diet that supports positive mood, review Chapter 3: Eating in a Modern World and Chapter 4: The Best Food for You in Well to Do: A Guide to Take Charge, Set Goals and Improve Your Health.